I had a super fun time completing the sketchnote tutorial! This style reflects my personal note-taking strategies, so it was validating to see there is actually a name for it, and that sketchnoting seems to be statistically more effective for information retention (based on evidence given in the tutorial).
It was really great to explore the SENĆOŦEN language by creating a visual diagram and using colour coding to connect to the material more deeply. The article on Indigenous Pedagogies was super informative and is a great reminder of creating units and content based within holism.
Sketchnoting is so open and diverse, and allows students to listen, digest and summarize spoken or written materials in a quick and effective way. It’s great to use on physical mediums such as notebooks, sketchbooks or scrap paper, and it also works great to use on tablets within apps such as Notability or Concept. For my notes (as seen above) I used Notability and saved them as images, but they can also be saved as PDF’s and easily shared digitally or printed out.